Psoriasis can be a troublesome concern for many. Alongside taking adequate medications, protecting yourself from sunlight, and keeping a check on your stress and triggers, a healthy diet can also make an impact on your skin.
After all, regulating one’s diet or eating habits can affect one’s skin in one way or another which makes choosing the right diet crucial.
However, before understanding the right type of diet it’s essential to confirm if the skin concern you have is actually psoriasis or eczema. Even though the two look similar they’re different and eczema treatment may differ from that of psoriasis whether it’s eczema treatment for face or eczema treatment for hands. In case you do have eczema, you can always choose the best eczema diet that suits you.
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Anti-inflammatory Food Diet
Since psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease, it’s always a good idea to eat foods that are anti-inflammatory. They are healthy and are packed with antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
You can include fruits like cherries, berries, and even leafy vegetables as a part of your diet. Eating fish such as salmon and sardines is also good. Make sure you add herbs or spices ample with antioxidants like cumin, thyme or ginger.
Low-calorie Diet
It’s seen that eating a low-calorie diet can somehow lessen the harshness of psoriasis. That’s because obesity can often worsen psoriasis.
Food that includes anything from carrots and cauliflower to broccoli, jicama and cucumbers is good to consume. These are low on calories and can be a good addition to your diet.
Gluten-free Diet
Although there isn’t any clear evidence that proves gluten-free diet is completely effective against psoriasis it’s still recommended to people with celiac disease. This is an autoimmune disease which is basically similar to psoriasis.
As alternatives to wheat, rye or barley, you can include different types of grains or starches like amaranth, corn, rice, millet, and buckwheat in your gluten-free diet. Gluten-free flours such as rice, corn or soy can become a part of your diet.

Fibre-rich Diet
Fibre-rich diet which includes seeds, grains and nuts can be a good addition to any patient’s diet who is suffering from psoriasis.
Nuts like almonds and walnuts can reduce the severity of psoriasis. Other types of nuts and grains can also be good for a healthy heart.
Non-alcoholic Drinks
While there is no direct relation between alcohol and psoriasis, there are some studies that hint alcoholic beverages could affect one’s psoriasis treatment.
Therefore, minimising or ceasing intake of alcohol as well as making non-alcoholic drinks a part of your diet altogether can help you recover faster.
Well, there you have it. Some of the best diets you can follow to keep your psoriasis under control. Making changes to your diet will not only lessen the severity of psoriasis but also make you healthier. After all, adherence to a good diet is always good for any treatment whether that’s for psoriasis, eczema treatment for babies, or eczema treatment for kids.
With that said, if you’re looking for a holistic psoriasis treatment in Melbourne, we at Psoriasis Eczema Clinic can help. Our experienced doctors offer steroid free psoriasis treatment and even steroid free eczema treatment with great reliability and care.
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We use one of the best eczema creams among other products and procedures in our psoriasis and eczema treatment in Melbourne. Get in touch with us for a quick appointment.