How To Become An Expert Rubik’s Cube Solver

by Sudarsan

Some people who have seen a Rubik’s Cube 7×7 before will tell you that they are impossible to solve. But this is not true. With the right methods and tricks, anyone can learn how to become an expert at solving these cubes. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most effective ways to master these puzzles.

1. Buy A Quality Puzzle

The best way to start your journey on the road to becoming an expert Rubik’s cube 7×7 solver is to invest in the right tools. A quality, working Rubik’s cube will motivate you to learn how to solve them more quickly and efficiently, than if you were using a cheaper knock-off version that doesn’t turn as well or has pieces that fall out of place. 

2. Lubricate Your Puzzle

More and more often, I hear about too much friction being the reason for a Rubik’s Cube not turning well. You can also spend hours solving your puzzle with no success because of this problem. Using a lubricant will help you solve the cube faster, and it is good practice to disassemble your cube before applying lubricant.

3. Experiment With Algorithms 

For speed solving, mark each face with a sticker that has the same color as its neighbor. For example, if white and yellow are two adjacent faces on opposite sides of the cube, put a black sticker on both to orient them more quickly for solving.

Once your cube is all marked up, try to memorize how to solve it without looking at any stickers (a lot easier said than done). Then, pick an algorithm and start experimenting with different ways of applying it until you find one that’s easy enough for you but still fast enough for competitive solvers.

This will guarantee success when competing against others. You’ll have fewer chances of making mistakes while turning your pieces because you won’t be guessing where the stickers should go.

4. Learn The CFOP Technique

This is the most challenging step for beginners, but if you can master it, then your speed will shoot up in no time. The CFOP method consists of four steps: cross, first two layers (F), last layer (O), and permutation. You’ll need a timer to keep track of the following timing goals: solve each cube section within 45 seconds; doing the final three sections should take 20-30 seconds combined – including all rotations.

5. Minimize Delays Between Moves

The best way to speed up your solving is by reducing the time that you have between moves. This will force you to think about how each move affects other parts of the puzzle and prevent emotion from influencing your decision-making process. 

When feeling a rush of excitement, for example, contestants tend to make mistakes because they are eager to solve the cube as quickly as possible instead of taking their time and thinking ahead as an expert would. Don’t let emotions mess with your cool head.

To reduce delays between moves, don’t pick up more than one piece per turn. This allows you more free movement on subsequent turns without having pieces clogging up spaces where others need to go. Also, don’t forget to do the cross three times before you make a move.


You can find many resources online to help you learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube. I hope that this article has helped you out in your journey as a cubing enthusiast.

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