How to overcome procrastination: 6 simple rules for the student

by Sudarsan

Time for a major task is severely limited and you are still not in the mood to study? Do not expect it to work itself out, but rather take a more in-depth look at the problem. This applies both to individual cases of procrastination and its regular manifestation. This article explains how to find the strength to overcome procrastination. 

Procrastination is a tendency to put off important work, leading to stress, frustration, and a loss of productivity. 

There can be many reasons for this effect, but it is usually caused by: 

  • low self-esteem – fear of failure subconsciously prevents a person from completing a task;
  • hyper-responsibility – a person wants to perform the task perfectly and this leads to “paralysis” of the mind;
  • disagreement – the person subconsciously denies the benefit of the task;
  • fatigue – the body signals in this way that it does not have enough internal resources to work on the task;
  • stress – there are some personality types who feel psychologically protected from high responsibility in this form.

There are a few simple ways to overcome procrastination and get on with the task. 

1. Admitting to procrastination 

Before you begin to deal with any problem, you need to honestly admit its existence to yourself. Quite difficult to deal with the problem, if you do not look at it objectively. 

2. Planning 

The human brain tends to save internal resources. If you keep a lot of uncompleted tasks in your head, there is a good chance that none of them will be completed. Your brain will think of them as one big problem and try to “delegate” the duties in every possible way. To do this you need to structure all your actual tasks and prioritize them. 

In this way, you will convince your brain that there is not one big task ahead, but several smaller ones that do not require much effort if done consistently. In this way, you can both prioritize and eliminate unnecessary tasks that will definitely not help you cope with procrastination and completing the key task. Thus, you can buy assignment online if there is a more important assignment in a major subject.

3. Change of activity

Rest is a change of activity. Sometimes you should simply take your mind off other things: take up a simpler task that doesn’t require a lot of time. You can find the best solution for the main task. As a last resort, just take a walk in the fresh air. 

4. Motivate yourself 

Remember to remind yourself over and over again about the positive results you’ll get if you complete the task. Reverse motivation is often more effective: imagine what the negative consequences will be if the task is not completed on time, visualize in your mind the consequences and feel them. Don’t forget to praise yourself for the work you have done, even if the final goal has not yet been achieved. 

5. Estimate the effort

Similar to athletes, it is important for students to estimate their effort during a task. Do not assume that you can do everything in one day or even one night. With a well-designed schedule, spread the workload evenly throughout the week.

6. Train your willpower 

Of course, all these methods won’t work if you don’t make an effort to stick to the new habits. Train your willpower on less demanding tasks, such as cleaning the house, exercising in the morning, and taking a short walk every day. If you learn to get over yourself and your bad habits, the more responsible tasks will no longer cause fear and rejection. 


By using these simple rules, you won’t notice how your planned tasks will become a reality. This, in turn, will lead to additional motivation to work even more productively and get you out of the procrastination cycle.

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