4 Reasons to Send Custom Birthday Invites

by Doug Brown
4 Reasons to Send Custom Birthday Invites

Technology has changed so much about our lives, from how we stay in touch with loved ones, how we spend our free time and even how we invite people to our events. While there are so many benefits to technology, sometimes old school is simply better. If you’re on the fence about whether to invest in custom birthday invites, or to send them out via social media, here are my top 4 reasons to send custom birthday invites:

1. Builds Anticipation
There’s something special about receiving something in your letterbox, especially if it comes in a beautiful matching envelope. Parties are a lot of effort to organize, and as such I think you shouldn’t skimp out on the invite, after all it’s your guests’ first impression of what’s to come. How many physical bday party invites do you receive each year? Probably just a couple right? You can probably remember all the events you’ve received invitations for in the past year, but I’m sure you can’t say that for all the Facebook invites you’ve received. They simply just don’t compare to receiving an actual physical invite in your mailbox and getting to stick it to the fridge until it’s time to party. 

2. More Inclusive

Not everyone is on social media, in fact in my social group a lot of people are choosing to now delete their social media apps, or only checking it infrequently. If this is happening in your circles, then you’ll find it a lot harder to invite everyone if you’re just focused on social media to get your invitations out.
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Going back to paper invites levels the playing field and makes it easier to organize inviting everyone.

3. Brighten Someone’s Day
I love when I receive actual mail, it’s such a rarity these days it is actually exciting. I would say that receiving packages or mail is even more exciting now after this strange year we’ve had. If you create some beautiful invitations and either hand deliver them or post them out, I’m sure that you’ll brighten at least a few of your guests’ days by getting something other than junk mail.

4. A Special Keepsake
Are you celebrating a special birthday? While all birthdays are inherently special, there’s something a little extra special about those milestone birthdays, like someone’s first birthday, sweet 16, 21st birthday, 30th, 40th and 50th…
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By choosing to invest in custom invites, you’re making something that will be a special keepsake of the event. Why not create some striking 50th party invitations that you’ll not only be proud to post out, but will want to keep forever?

No matter your reasons for creating custom invites, you’ll never regret going the extra mile to make your guests feel excited about your upcoming party.

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