Kubernetes is actively used by leading developers, container technology providers, and end-users.
This is the name of the software from Google, created for managing containers in order to simplify declarative settings and automation. Containers are applications that have their own file system, memory, processor, and more. Using the Engine system, containers are assembled into clusters. All of this is archived and presented in such a way that the application can run outside the operating system. But without the Kubernetes platform, it was difficult to manage them on numerous servers. Within its ecosystem, Kubernetes has a list of specific definitions.
· Node. A separate platform where containers are deployed. Each node cluster contains services that run applications and components for centralized control of the node.
· Pod. The basic unit that runs and manages applications. There is a unique IP address for containers deployed on a pod, to eliminate the risk of application conflicts using fixed port numbers.
· Volume. A shared resource designed to store applications deployed on a single Pod. This allows containers to be shared by the system.
· Kubelet. Link is an agent that interacts with the master node and is responsible for monitoring applications within the node.
What is Kubernetes in action? A container image consists of several layers that contain application elements. The same layer can be used for different containers, for example, as a base layer for applications of a particular company. This simplifies the deployment and storage of existing images since there is no need to store many copies on the server. The helm package manager, which is installed with the Kubernetes platform, makes things even easier.
Many tools have been created for managing containers, the most famous of which is Docker. But its disadvantage is that it only works on one host. Kubernetes solves this problem and makes it easy to start managing groups of applications at once on multiple servers. Using the system makes it possible to build Development Operations and DevOps with help of Kubernetes consulting services, which increases its popularity.
Kubernetes Setting
To get acquainted with the capabilities of Kubernetes, the configuration is carried out through cloud platforms, for example, Google Cloud Platform or Azure. First, you need to create a Pod and give it a name and enter the data into the resource description file. For external access to the application, one more Kubernetes resource is needed, and the easiest way to do this is through port forwarding. Next, using the software settings, you need to perform a series of actions.
· A new pod is created to implement scaling. Its description should be like the first one, except for the name. Checking that both pods are running.
· The created pods receive the same labels, which are specified in the service settings. Files with descriptions must be saved and commands for configuring pods must be executed.
· The load balancing service is described. The most convenient way to balance traffic is with Ingress. The description should indicate the type of resource, the port for receiving requests, the type of protocol, the forwarding port, and information about the object.
· Before starting, check the status of the service.
The names of the created resources must not be repeated within the same namespace. Kubernetes is most efficient when running constructs with microservice and website. The full benefits of the program are revealed in the presence of a virtualization platform.