The Key Benefits of Sash Window Restoration

by Sudarsan

 Why should you have timber windows repaired

Windows with wooden sashes need restoration or complete replacement from time to time. They perform important functions in the house, due to which they need timely repairs. You can choose the service of sash windows repair in Cambridge. It will allow you to not replace the glass unit completely, since it is almost impossible in buildings of historical value.

Repaired sash windows are easy to clean

An insulating glass unit installed many years ago needs regular cleaning. Windows need to be washed on both sides, and in the cold season it is quite difficult. You need to:

•   open windows to remove dirt from the glass from the outside;

•   rinse the frames thoroughly;

•   wipe the windowsills from the street side.

The innovative insulating glass units have a flap, so both sides of the glass can be wiped clean from inside the house. It is enough to tilt the sash to easily remove the dirt.

Replacing of timber windows will increase the value of old buildings, and new elements of glass units will be an excellent addition to the facade of the house. Modern sashes are installed pretty quickly, so you will immediately experience all benefits of new windows.

Restored windows increase your home’s safety

Sash windows can be difficult to open and close. If a window is difficult to open when you need it, there might be problems with emergency leaving the premises in case of fire or other danger. Sometimes it is difficult to close the doors at certain times of the day, and if you leave them open at night, the threat to the safety of the house is obvious. Replacing the frame will preserve the functionality of the insulating glass unit and provide additional security for your home.

New timber enhances energy efficiency

Single glazing of wooden windows during the cold season will not provide sufficient level of warmth in the house. Cool air will penetrate from the outside, so the owners will have to turn on additional heaters to make the room comfortable. This will lead to the increase in the electricity bills.

To save on budget and increase energy efficiency of the house, it is enough to install double glazing windows. The renewed glass units will keep warmth in every room. You can choose glass layers, the space between which will be filled with inert gas.

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