5 Helpful Tips for a Better Sleep

by Sudarsan

What’s the secret to peaceful sleeping?

A lot of people would benefit from the answer to this question. While under the radar, insufficient sleep is quickly becoming a public health epidemic globally. Also, increased usage of smartphones and electronic devices is aggravating the situation further.

You might be thinking, what’s the big deal if you lose a little bit of sleep? So you wake up tired sometimes, and you may not be as productive at work. But this kind of thinking is why lack of sleep is overlooked as a life-threatening health problem.

Insufficient sleep has been linked to diseases that belong to the top list of the leading causes of death in the US. These include hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

To make sure you stay healthy physically and mentally, here are some tips to get some good night’s sleep.

1. Schedule Your Sleep

This tip might seem too robotic for some. But truth be told, letting sleep come when it comes isn’t good advice. Sticking to a sleep schedule will program your body to get in sync with its natural sleep-wake cycle.

Attempt to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, weekends included. Consistency is the key to normalize your circadian rhythm.

2. Your Pre-Sleep Routine Is Just as Important

Start by creating a sleep ritual or a pre-bed routine. Try to wind down at least 30 minutes before your scheduled bedtime. That means lights off or dimmed, and turn off all distractions (phones, tablets, etc.).

Consider taking a warm bath an hour or two before going to bed. A relaxing bath to calm both your body and mind might be your key to sleeping better.

3. Exercise During the Day for Peaceful Sleeping at Night

You don’t need to become a gym rat to start sleeping soundly at night. Even light exercise done regularly, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day, is going to help a lot. Exercise reinforces the effect of sleep hormones (e.g., melatonin) and also improves the symptoms of sleep apnea.

However, be careful about the timing of your exercise. If you exercise too close to sleep time, it can be stimulating.

4. Watch What You Eat and Drink

You know this is coming. If you like your cuppa or if you’re a big smoker, it’s time to cut down on caffeine and nicotine. Or at least try not to drink coffee or smoke close to bedtime.

Avoid big meals at night and drinking too many liquids. An overly full belly can keep you awake at night. A full bladder is also bad due to the interruption from frequent trips to the bathroom.

You can also look into food supplements containing melatonin, such as these gummies that help you sleep.

5. See the Doctor if You’re Experiencing Symptoms

Do you wake up at night with burning pain in your chest or throat? Is your snoring so bad that it interrupts your sleep?

It’s possible that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and sleep apnea, respectively.
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It’s best to see your doctor for an evaluation.

Better Than Counting Sheep

Peaceful sleeping isn’t just a dream. Follow these sleeping tips for better health. You deserve it!

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