After installing a water tank, you can finally rest knowing that you’ll be able to store water that will be helpful in the coming months. Thus, keeping the water is safe from any contamination throughout this period is paramount, regardless of how you’ll want to use the water. However, keep in mind, as you’ll store the water for a certain period, you have to use all of it so the next time you collect water, you won’t have the old water mixed with it, to prevent contamination.
However, you should know, cleaning your water tank is no easy work. It starts from the collection, to how often you clean your tank and the type of tanks you use. Well-designed, well-covered tanks are much better in preventing contamination compared to open tanks. Click here to continue to check the different types of tanks that will suit your needs.
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Preventing Contamination In Tanks
If you want to prevent contamination in your tanks, you need to be keen on where you’re getting the water from and how protected your tank is. Knowing how to keep your water safe for usage is half the battle, so here are some of the important tips to prevent contamination in your water tanks:
1. Clean Catchment Points
Collection points form entry points for dirt, insects, rodents, and other organisms that may cause contaminations to the water. So whether you’re collecting your water from your roof or a stream nearby, you need to ensure that the area is clean at all times.
First, clean your catchment areas and ensure there are no leaves, shrubs, or broken branches nearby. Second, avoid collecting water from freshly painted roofs. The paint could combine with the water in the tank. Some paints could contain toxic compounds and could contaminate the stored water, making it unsafe for consumption.
2. Install Filtrating Points
Between the supply point and the storage tank, there are chances that many debris and organisms can get into the water. Tiny debris should not be a cause of alarm though. However, if the flow continues over time before the tank is cleaned, it will accumulate and cause contamination. Therefore, you need to install screening and filtration points at the inlet and along the pipes to sieve out the debris.
This helps reduce the need of regular tank cleaning as you can replace the filters instead. By filtering water, you help minimize debris into your tank that may cause contamination. The smaller particles that may pass through can easily be cleaned without much problem.
3. Clean The Tank Regularly
A tank should be cleaned at least twice a year to prevent contamination. Over time, debris, oils, and microorganisms flow into the tank. They settle at the bottom of the tank or attach themselves to the walls of the tank. The dirt that flows into the tank forms a good breeding environment for moulds and insects. These are what contaminates the water and make it unsafe.

So you should develop a habit of cleaning the water tank after about six months before refilling it again. When cleaning, drain all the remaining water, scrub the tank thoroughly using detergents and disinfectants then wash it with hot water. Then, you can let the tank dry up to destroy microorganisms by exposing them to the sun’s heat. After this, you’ll be good to go for another six months.
4. Disinfect Drinking Water
If rainwater is collected directly, there should be no reason to worry as rainwater is usually clean. However, if you have the slightest doubt about the safety of water, then you should trust your instinct and disinfect the water. For rainwater collected from roofs, you should consider more powerful disinfection, since animals leave waste on roofs containing bacteria and other microorganisms.
The cheapest way to disinfect your water is to use chlorine, but that may leave an unsavory aftertaste. Other options like reverse osmosis or distillation will ensure clean drinking water, at a huge upfront cost and lower water output. However, disinfecting the water stored in the tank will prevent the germs from breeding and contaminating the water, making it safe for indoor water use.
5. Seal Your Tank From Leakages And Runoff Water
Underground or underdeck tanks are prone to be contaminated by waste and runoff water if not properly sealed. Therefore, when installing your tanks, you need to choose more raised areas where no sewage water can enter. Alternatively, you completely seal it off and place it some distance away from sewer lines or drainages.
Wastewater contains many contaminants, and once a small amount gets into your tank, the stored water will be contaminated and unsuitable for use. Tanks should only be opened during cleaning or when repairs need to be done, then sealed off entirely again.
Your storage tank is an essential part of your home. By storing water, the tank could help cut on water costs and ensure you have a constant water supply when there’s a problem with water in your region.
As such, you need to keep your tank clean and free from any contaminants. The tips in this post will help you minimize debris, insects and other contaminants that may jeopardize the safety of your water int your tank. Remember to clean your water tank every 6 months, so you’ll always have access to clean water all year round.