Stubborn Myths About Sash Windows

by Sudarsan

The exterior of the house is greatly influenced by the type of glass units. If you live in an old building of historical value, then installation of PVC windows will significantly reduce the cost of the house. Timber windows are undeniable classics, but many people want to replace such glass units with newer ones. The reason for this is the desire to make the house look modern.

Natural wood windows look great regardless of the chosen design. Make sure that the classics are not only beautiful but also really practical. The professionals from the Scott James company will advise you on the most rational solution when it comes to glass units replacement.

1. Sash windows aren’t energy efficient

In fact, wood is one of the best materials for keeping warmth inside the house. Energy efficiency depends not only on the type of frames but also on other characteristics of windows. If the glass unit is designed and installed correctly, there are no gaps between the glass and the frame, your room will always be warm. Moreover, you can install additional glazing and choose sash windows repair in Chelmsford to reduce drafts in your house.

2. Timber window is less secure than PVC-U

A wooden window protects your house no less than a plastic glass unit. The windows are fully compliant with safety standards. For extra protection, install the newest hardware that prevents the frames from being opened from the outside. Intruders will not be able to enter the house, so your valuable items will be completely safe.

3.  Sash windows are significantly more expensive than plastic

An average sash window lasts much longer than a PVC one. They don’t require large investments throughout the entire service life. You will only need to:

  • clean frames and glass from dirt;
  • make sure that the wood isn’t deformed because of moisture;
  • repaint the windows from time to time but not earlier than 8 years after the installation.

This is enough for the glass unit to retain its original state for a long time. Natural wood windows look much more attractive, especially when it comes to preserving the facade of an old building. The price of your home will not drop down, and its unique exterior will please the eye for a long time.

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